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Your complete guide to the King's coronation

  By the Visual Journalism Team, BBC News, Edited by - Amal Udawatta, Millions of people across the UK and beyond have celebrated the coronation of King Charles III - a symbolic ceremony combining a religious service and pageantry. The ceremony was held at Westminster Abbey, with the King becoming the 40th reigning monarch to be crowned there since 1066. Queen Camilla was crowned alongside him before a huge parade back to Buckingham Palace. Here's how the day of splendour and formality, which featured customs dating back more than 1,000 years, unfolded. King's Procession to the abbey The formal celebrations started with a procession from Buckingham Palace to Westminster Abbey at 10:20 BST. In a break from tradition, King Charles and Queen Camilla were in the Diamond Jubilee State Coach rather than the older, more uncomfortable, Gold State Coach. The procession moved along The Mall to Trafalgar Square, then down Whitehall and Parliament Street before turning into Parliament Squa