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How pop stars react when war breaks out

 From BBC Culture News, By James Jackson, Edited by Vinuri Randhula Silva,        (Image credit:   Andrea Aray) From Eurovision stars to Gen-Z "meme pop", musicians are determined to make a difference in Ukraine – with many of them incorporating traditional folk elements in their sound. James Jackson talks to the stars doing their bit for the war effort. T This year's Eurovision Song Contest winners, Ukraine's Kalush Orchestra, barely had time to rehearse their performance, which featured acrobatic breakdancing in traditional Vyshyvanka costumes. Instead they spent the weeks leading up to the event serving in the Ukrainian Territorial Defence Forces. Their song, Stefania, a mix of hip-hop beats and Ukrainian folk instrumentation, was the first rap and first track fully in Ukrainian ever to have won the competition. An expression of love for the lead singer's mother,  the song  prominently featured the sounds of two traditional Ukrainian woodwind instruments, the s