Brisbane Insects and Spiders Home Page, Edited by Vinuri Randula Silva, This page contains pictures and information about Yellow Potter Wasps that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia. Female building nest, body length 22mm This Yellow Potter Wasp may be looked similar to the Mud-Dauber Wasp . They also build mud nest outside our house but they build mud nest with different shape. They are solitary wasps. They are also common around Brisbane. The Yellow and Black Potter is dark brown to black in colour, with yellow banded abdomen. There is yellow pattern on their thorax. Their waist is long and narrow. The Yellow Potter Wasps build jug shape mud cells in sheltered locations. Female wasp builds the nest, then collects three to four medium size hairless caterpillars (20-30mm) and put them inside the nest. Then she lay an egg in the nest. (Or lays eggs first before collecting caterpillars?)...