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Showing posts with the label Technology

The Face of Harakbut

  Compiled by Amal Udawatta The Face of Harakbut - Possible guardian of the mythical city of "El Dorado"? El Dorado is a legendary city said to be a civilization with advanced technology on Earth. For centuries, hundreds of people searched unsuccessfully for this city that mythology describes as being made of gold. Those who suppose that the myth reflects a concrete reality, suggest that the city of Paititi (El Dorado) and its riches are probably found in the mountainous jungles of southeastern Peru. The Harakbut Face is a sacred site of the Harakbut culture located in the Amarakaeri Communal Reserve, Madre de Dios (Peru). It is an impressive rock totem that, with total clarity, presents a human face that arouses the curiosity of the few travelers and researchers who pass through the place. They call it Incacok, which in Harakbut, the native language of the Amarakaeri Indians, means "Inca Face". According to the testimonies of the Harakbut elders, there are two othe

Principles for developing a complete mind

Compiled by Amal Udawatta 1- Study the science of art 2- Study the art of science 3- Develop the senses, especially the sense of sight. 4- Realize that everything is connected Leonardo da Vinc