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Showing posts with the label Astronomy & Space Science

Mysterious spiral galaxy jet puzzles astronomers: 'At first, I thought I completely messed up'

   From - By -  Sharmila Kuthunur Edited by - Amal Udawatta Quasar J0742+2704 (center) became a subject of interest after it was discovered to have a newborn jet blasting from the disk around its supermassive black hole.   (Image credit: NASA, ESA, Joseph DePasquale (STScI), Kristina Nyland (U.S. Naval Research Laboratory) The Hubble Space Telescope image you see above is from last year, and it showcases several galaxies that inhabit a pocket of our universe roughly 5.94 billion light-years away from us. Astronomers, however, have been particularly intrigued by what isn't visible in the image, but rather only "seen" through radio emissions. Blasting from the central galaxy — home to a  black hole  more than 400 million times our sun — is a powerful jet that could provide fresh clues about how galaxies and their black holes evolve in tandem over eons. First, however, we need to figure out where this jet in the  Hubble Telescope  image cam...
    From - Sky & Telescope  By - David Dickinson  Edited by - Amal Udawatta An artist's conception of the Mars Sample Return Orbiter, one component of a complicated mission architecture initially proposed to retrieve samples from Mars to Earth. NASA / ESA / JPL-Caltech / GSFC / MSFC Retrieving samples from Mars for study on Earth is crucial to our ability to understand the geological history of the Red Planet, including whether life ever existed on Mars. Perseverance has already collected  25 samples  of both surface material and Martian atmosphere in  Star Wars  lightsaber-like tubes. But the architecture and timeline for  a mission that would return these samples to Earth  has been a budgetary bone of contention for years. Now, NASA Administrator Bill Nelson and NASA’s Science Mission Directorate leader Nicky Fox have  laid out a new path  for the beleaguered Mars Sample Return proposal. Perseverance's Treasure NASA’...

A Bubbly Origin for Odd Radio Circles

   From- Sky & Te;escope  By - Aas Nova  Edited by - Amal Udawatta A radio image of the first odd radio circle to be discovered, ORC-1, with a visible-light image of stars and galaxies forming the background. Jayanne English (U. Manitoba), EMU (ASKAP/CSIRO), MeerKAT, DES (CTIO) Discovered in 2019, odd radio circles (ORCs) are among the newest and most mysterious astrophysical phenomena. New research examines how bubbles blown by black hole jets could create these striking features. ============================================== Stumped by Space ORCs ORCs are faint extragalactic circles of radio emission that appear to be invisible at other wavelengths. As the number of known ORCs slowly climbs, researchers have begun to test possible formation mechanisms. Among the many possibilities are the jets of active galactic nuclei: luminous galactic centers powered by accreting supermassive  black holes. In this hypothesis, active galactic nucleus jets filled with fa...

Northern Lights shimmer over UK in stunning photos

  Cloudyapple/BBC Weather Watchers Glenariff, Causeway Coast And Glens Simon King Lead Weather Presenter Ian Aikman and Hafsa Khalil BBC News Edited by - Amal Udawatta The Northern Lights have splashed vivid colour across UK night skies once again, with stunning images captured all across the country. The lights, also known as aurora borealis, were expected to be seen only as far south as the Midlands, but on Wednesday night, according to BBC Weather was the strongest and most widespread showing of the phenomenon in the UK since May. As solar activity weakens, it might still be possible for those in some Northern areas to see the lights on Friday, but elsewhere, the chances are low. Cat Lloyd Gwynedd Aurora displays occur when charged particles collide with gases in the Earth's atmosphere around the magnetic poles. As they collide, light is emitted at various wavelengths, creating colourful displays in the sky. The auroras are most commonly seen over high polar latitudes, and are c...