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Jared Leto climbs Empire State Building

  By Steven McIntosh Entertainment reporter, Edited by Amal Udawatta IMAGE SOURCE, GETTY IMAGES Image caption, Leto said it was a "nice surprise" to see his mother through the window when he reached the 80th floor He's known for going to great lengths to win an Oscar - and now Jared Leto is going to great heights to promote his band's next tour. The actor and musician has become the first person to legally scale the 102-story Empire State Building. Leto, 51, climbed the outside of the New York landmark in a bright orange jumpsuit and using a rope and harness. He took on the challenge to promote the forthcoming world tour for his band Thirty Seconds To Mars. Leto told NBC's Today show:  "I was more excited than nervous to tell you the truth. But I have to be honest, it was very, very hard. It was a lot harder than I thought it would be. "Just the endurance that it took, the stamina that it took, and it was very sharp." The actor won an Oscar for his

Tina Turner obituary: Pop legend who overcame abuse to become global star

From  BBC  News Edited by - Amal Udawatta, Image caption, Her stage performances were always energetic Tina Turner's husky contralto and raunchy stage presence made her one of the best-known singers of her generation. It was a long and often painful journey from a troubled childhood in rural Tennessee to global stardom. She was almost 40 before she broke free from an abusive relationship to establish herself as a solo artist. But she went on to record a string of best-selling albums, garner a host of awards, and become one of music's most popular live acts. Disrupted childhood Tina Turner was born Anna Mae Bullock on 26 November 1939 in the small rural town of Nutbush, Tennessee. Her father Floyd worked on a local farm. IMAGE SOURCE, GETTY IMAGES Image caption, Ike Turner physically abused Tina and completely controlled her career She had a disrupted childhood. She and her elder sister Aillene were separated when her parents moved to work in a munitions factory, and the young A