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The Beatles: How a schoolboy made the band's earliest known UK concert recording

       From BBC News       By Samira Ahmed,      Edited by  Amal Udawatta        IMAGE SOURCE, GETTY IMAGES Image caption, The Beatles pictured in 1963, the year they played a concert in a school theatre in Stowe, Buckinghamshire The earliest known full recording of The Beatles playing a live concert in the UK, at the point they were becoming the biggest band in the nation, has been revealed by BBC Radio 4's Front Row, almost exactly 60 years after it was made. The hour-long quarter-inch tape recording was made by 15-year-old John Bloomfield at Stowe boarding school in Buckinghamshire on 4 April 1963 when the band played a concert at the school's theatre. They had been booked by fellow pupil David Moores, who had written to manager Brian Epstein. Epstein, perhaps recognising the connection to an important Liverpool family - the Moores family owned the Littlewoods football pools and retail business - agreed to the booking for a fee of £100, and Moores raised the funds by selling


  From Sky&Telescope By - Jan Hattenbach, Edited by  Amal Udawatta, More than 3,500 Starlink satellites are currently in orbit. Astronomers are sounding the alarm about low-Earth orbit satellites and space debris as significant contributors to light pollution that will affect even the remotest earthbound stargazer. Anyone who has watched the night sky recently knows it: Satellites are everywhere. They flash across the firmament, paint streaks on photos, and irritate stargazers. In just three years since the advent of so-called megaconstellations, such as SpaceX’s Starlink, light pollution by objects in Earth’s orbit has moved from non-topic to possibly the most serious threat to ground-based astronomy. And, as John Barentine (Dark Sky Consulting) and his colleagues discuss in a paper published in  Nature Astronomy , it could get worse — much worse. “We fear that faint astrophysical signals will become increasingly lost in the noise due to satellite megaconstellat

Physicists Might Finally Be Able to Find Wormholes, Thanks to Their Light-Bending Ability

 From - Popular Mechanic,  By  - Robert Lee, Eddited by - Amal Udawatta, When it comes to making predictions,  Albert Einstein’s theory of general relativity   is pretty much unbeatable, at least in physics. The theory says that objects of mass “warp” the very fabric of spacetime, and that this warp gives rise to the force of gravity. The theory also led to the suggestion of a multitude of phenomenons, events, and objects that astronomers and physicists would eventually discover in the   cosmos . Yet one major cosmic object still hasn’t been found: a wormhole. Unlike black holes, wormholes remain purely hypothetical. If they exist, they have remained undetected. But physicists have just discovered a promising new way to possibly find them. Predicting the Existence of Wormholes General relativity predicted  black holes  as objects of tremendous mass so densely packed they create a region of space with such intense  gravity  that not even light is fast enough to escape them, well before


  From Sky & Telescope, By - Monica Young, Edited by - Amal Udawatta   The X-ray data from Chandra is colored purple in this image, showing the hot-gas halo that surrounds 3C 297. Radio data from the Very Large Array is red and highlights the black hole-powered jets. Visible-light data from Gemini is green and mostly comes from the galaxy itself. Visible light and infrared data from the Hubble Space Telescope (blue and orange, respectively) have also been included. The field of view of this image is too small to show any of the surrounding galaxies, none of which are at the same distance as 3C 297. X-ray: NASA / CXC / Univ. of Torino / V. Missaglia et al.; Optical: NASA / ESA / STScI & International Gemini Observatory / NOIRLab / NSF / AURA; Infrared: NASA / ESA / STScI; Radio: NRAO / AUI / NSF   A large galaxy spewing a black hole–powered jet might have eaten its neighbors, leaving it on its own. When the universe was only a third its current age, most galaxy clusters were sti

What is gene-edited food and is it safe to eat?

  By Pallab Ghosh Science correspondent, Edited by Amal Udawatta, IMAGE SOURCE, BBC NEWS Image caption, Produce like these gene-edited tomatoes with added vitamin D could be sold commercially in England The law has changed to allow gene-edited food to be developed and sold in England. The government hopes  the technology will boost jobs and improve food production , but safety and environmental worries mean it is not allowed in other parts of the UK. What is gene-edited food? For many years, farmers produced new varieties through traditional cross-breeding techniques. They might, for instance, combine a big but not very tasty cabbage with a small but delicious one to create the perfect vegetable. But this process can take years, because getting the hundreds of thousands of genes in cabbages to mix in just the right way to produce large but tasty offspring is a matter of trial and error. Genetic methods remove the random element. They let scientists identify which genes determine size a