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Superb photomicrograph of a fly under the chin of a Tiger beetle

 From wikipedia & Earth Unreal Edited by Vinuri Randhula Silva, Tiger beetles  are a large group of  beetles , known for their aggressive predatory habits and running speed. The fastest known species of tiger beetle,  Rivacindela hudsoni , can run at a speed of 9 km/h (5.6 mph; 2.5 m/s), or about 125 body lengths per second.  As of 2005, about 2,600 species and subspecies were known, with the richest diversity in the Oriental (Indo-Malayan) region, followed by the Neotropics.  While historically considered as a subfamily of  ground beetles  (Carabidae) under the name Cicindelinae, recent genomic studies indicate that they should be considered a distinct family, the  Cicindelidae , as the sister group to Carabidae within the  Adephaga . This spectacular photo won the 10th place at the 2022 Photomicrography Competition. It was taken by photographer Murat Öztürk (Ankara, Turkey) through the technique of image stacking and magnification 3.7X (Objective Lens Magnification). A photomicro

Cordyceps Fungus and butterflies/moths

  From Butterfly fun facts, Edited by - Vinuri Randhula Silva, Sometimes we spot something so weird or unusual that we just can’t stand it. We simply have to find out what it is and what happened.  Before I tell my story, let me introduce you to this fungus, one that infects moths and other insects. Cordyceps fungi that infect adult moths often causes them to go to a high place before they die. This ensures that when the fungal spores are released, they will spread over a larger area than if they died low or on the ground. Those we’ve found have been between 3 and 4 feet off the ground, attached to a plant. They are easier to spot in the winter, when most of the leaves have fallen. Fungi that infect caterpillars often causes them to go low, the fungi staying in the ground. A fungus killed this moth I well remember the time that I spotted a moth like this one. I can still picture the willow tree it was on, a short tree, as I was out walking with my camera. First, what was it to begin wi

Beautiful common collared lizard

  From -   Wikipedia, By – Vinuri Randhula Silva, The Common collared lizard (Crotaphytus collaris), also known as Eastern collared lizard among other names, is a North American species of lizard in the family Crotaphytidae. There are five recognized subspecies. Males can be very colorful, with blue green bodies and yellow orange throats while females have a light brown head and body. Their distinct feature are the two black bands around the neck and shoulders that look like a collar, hence their name the Common collared lizard. This species can attain 8–15 in (20–38 cm) in total length (including the tail), and they have powerful jaws. One other notable characteristic is their ability to run on their two hind legs. They can sprint at a remarkable speed of up to 24 km per hour and this usually happen in the instance of evading predators.   As obligate carnivores, they consume insects and small vertebrates as their main diet. While they may occasionally ingest plant materials, i

Wingless wasp in the family Mutillidae

  From – Wikipedia, By – Vinuri Randhula Silva,   Euspinolia militaris, sometimes referred to as the "Panda Ant". Oh we can definitely see why...with this look. Panda Ant  is a  species  of  wasp  in the  family   Mutillidae . Though it is a wingless  wasp . This species was discovered in 1938, and inhabits the Chilean  sclerophyll  forests. It has been referred to as the " panda  ant" due to its coloration; with white coat covering all of its head except the eyes, and black and white spots appearing over the rest of its body. The coloration is  aposematic , serving as a warning to predators of its painful and powerful sting. Females are  wingless  and males have wings. They measure up to 8 millimeters in length. Panda Ant s are solitary  ectoparasites  of mature larvae or pre-pupae of other insects, as is true of other mutillids, with females using the ovipositor to insert eggs into host brood cells, and for stinging (for defense).   The color patterns

Red-tailed black cockatoo

  From - Wikipedia,  By - Vinuri Randhula Silva, The  red-tailed black cockatoo  ( Calyptorhynchus banksii ) also known as  Banksian-  or  Banks' black cockatoo , is a large black  cockatoo  native to  Australia . Adult males have a characteristic pair of bright red panels on the tail that gives the species its name. It is more common in the drier parts of the continent. Five  subspecies  are recognised, differing chiefly in beak size. Although the more northerly subspecies are widespread, the two southern subspecies, the  forest red-tailed black cockatoo  and the  south-eastern red-tailed black cockatoo  are under threat. The red-tailed black cockatoo's closest relative is the  glossy black cockatoo ; the two species form the subgenus  Calyptorhynchus  within the genus of the same name. They are distinguished from the other  black cockatoos  of the subgenus  Zanda  by their significant  sexual dimorphism  and calls of the juveniles; one a squeaking  begging call , the other

Copper beard orchid

From Wikipedia  By Vinuri Randhula Silva, Calochilus campestris , commonly known as the  copper beard orchid , is a species of  orchid   endemic  to south-eastern  Australia . It is grows in a wide range of habitats from heath to  montane  forest. It is found south from the  Black down Tableland  in  Queensland , in coastal  New South Wales  and as far inland as  Temora  and is widespread in  Victoria . The Orchid family (Orchidaceae), with 25,000 to 30,000 different species that exist, are the largest family of plants in the entire world. Copper beard orchid   has a single fleshy, channelled leaf and up to fifteen pale green and red flowers with a purple "beard".   It is a terrestrial,  perennial ,  deciduous ,  herb  with an underground copper beard orchid  tuber  and a single fleshy, channelled leaf 150–350 mm (6–10 in) long, 10–15 mm (0.4–0.6 in) wide and triangular in cross section. Between three and fifteen pale green flowers with reddish lines, 18–22 mm (0.7–0.9 in)

The largest terrestrial arthropod in the world

  From Wikipediya, Eedited by Vinuri Randhula Silva, The  coconut crab  ( Birgus latro ) is a species of terrestrial  hermit crab , also known as the  robber crab  or  palm thief . It is the largest terrestrial  arthropod  in the world, with a weight of up to 4.1 kg (9 lb). It can grow to up to 1 m (3 ft 3 in) in width from the tip of one leg to the tip of another. It is found on islands across the  Indian Ocean , and parts of the  Pacific Ocean  as far east as the  Gambier Islands ,  Pitcairn Islands  and  Caroline Island , similar to the distribution of the  coconut palm ; it has been  extirpated  from most areas with a significant human population, including mainland  Australia  and  Madagascar . Coconut crabs also live off the coast of Africa near  Zanzibar . The coconut crab is the  only species  of the  genus   Birgus , and is related to the other terrestrial hermit crabs of the genus  Coenobita . It shows a number of  adaptations  to life on land. Juvenile coconut crabs us

Old man cactus

From  Wikipedia, Edited by –Vinuri Randhula Silva, Cephalocereus senilis , the  old man cactus , is a species of  cactus  native to  Hidalgo  and  Veracruz  in central Mexico.  It is threatened in the wild, but widespread propagation and popularity in cultivation have reduced the demand on wild populations . Old man cactus is a tall, columnar species with clusters of stems that may grow to 5–15 m tall; the individual stems are usually unbranched, being unable to withstand the weight of side branches adequately. The most striking feature is the shaggy coat of long, white hairs suggestive of unkempt hair on an old man. The coat is a particularly striking silvery white on the young cactus; as the plant ages the stem begins to lose its covering. The  flowers  are red, yellow, or white, though the plant may not flower until 10–20 years old. Old man cactus is a very popular cactus in cultivation, grown for its woolly appearance. It prefers a very well-drained  soil  mix (more so than