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Scientists find new bird species at South America's edge

 Edited by Amal Udawatta A newly identified bird, named 'Rayadito Subantartico' (Aphrastura subantarctica), is seen at Gonzalo island, Cabo de Hornos area, Magallanes region, Chile, in this undated handout picture released on August 26, 2022. Universidad de Magallanes-Centro Internacional Cabo de Hornos/Handout via REUTERS SANTIAGO, Aug 26 (Reuters) - In a sparse, windswept pasture at the frigid tip of South America lives a tiny bird whose quiet life is shedding light on the importance of studying the world's most remote places. In the Diego Ramirez Islands, 100 kilometers (62 miles) from southern Chile's Cape Horn, scientists have identified the Subantarctic rayadito, a 0.035 pound (16 gram) brown bird with black and yellow bands, and a large beak that is confounding biologists. That's because the Subantarctic rayadito, which resembles a rayadito species that inhabits the forests of southern Patagonia and nests in trunk cavities, was found "living in a place w

The black heron uses a hunting method called "canopy feeding"

  From - Earth Unreal & Wikipedia, By - Vinuri Ranula Silva, The  black heron  ( Egretta ardesiaca ), also known as the  black egret , is an African  heron . It is well known for its habit of using its wings to form a canopy when fishing. The black heron is a medium-sized (42.5–66 cm in height), black-plumaged heron with black bill, lores, legs and yellow feet. In breeding plumage it grows long plumes on the crown and nape. The black heron occurs patchily through  Sub-Saharan Africa , from  Senegal  and  Sudan  to  South Africa , but is found mainly on the eastern half of the continent and in  Madagascar . It has also been observed in  Greece  and Italy. It prefers shallow open waters, such as the edges of freshwater  lakes  and  ponds . It may also be found in  marshes ,  river  edges,  rice fields , and seasonally flooded  grasslands . In  coastal  areas, it may be found feeding along tidal rivers and creeks, in  alkaline lakes , and  tidal flats . The black heron uses a hu

Victoria crowned pigeon

 From - Earth Unreal & Wikipedia, By - Vinuri Randula, The  Victoria crowned pigeon  ( Goura victoria ) is a large, bluish-grey  pigeon  with elegant blue lace-like  crests , maroon breast and red  irises . It is part of a genus ( Goura ) of four unique, very large, ground-dwelling pigeons native to the  New Guinea  region. The bird may be easily recognized by the unique white tips on its crests and by its deep 'whooping' sounds made while calling. Its name commemorates the British monarch  Queen Victoria . The Victoria crowned pigeon is a deep blue-grey color with a small, black mask. Its feather crest (the signature feature of crowned pigeons other than their size) is conspicuously white-tipped. On the wing coverts is a row of feathers that are a paler blue-gray with maroon tips. These form a distinct wing bar. The chest is a deep purple-maroon color. As in all crowned pigeons,  melanism  has been observed. The other two crowned pigeons are somewhat superficially similar,

Rarely seen deep sea fish

From - Earth Unreal, Edited by -Vinuri Randula Silva, The Black Swallower or Chiasmodon niger is a rarely seen deep sea fish found in the mesopelagic and bathypelagic zones at a depth of 2,300-9,000 ft (700-2,745 meters). This fish is known for its ability to swallow a fish up to THREE times its size! It accomplishes this by using its highly stretchable jaw and stomach. The Black Swallower will grab its prey from behind by the tail and then coil it into its stomach where it will be slowly digested. It also has sharp interlocking teeth which keep the prey from swimming away. Meals come few and far between in the dark depths of the ocean and this adaptation keeps the Black Swallower alive even when days goes by without eating.

Populations of black rhino declined dramatically

 From  -  World Wildlife  Fund , By  - Vinuri Randula Silva , Black rhinos are the smaller of the two African rhino species. The most notable difference between white and black rhinos are their hooked upper lip. This distinguishes them from the white rhino, which has a square lip. Black rhinos are browsers rather than grazers, and their pointed lip helps them feed on leaves from bushes and trees. They have two horns, and occasionally a third, small posterior horn. Populations of black rhino declined dramatically in the 20 th  century at the hands of European hunters and settlers. Between 1960 and 1995, black rhino numbers dropped by a sobering 98%, to less than 2,500. Since then, the species has made a tremendous comeback from the brink of extinction. Thanks to persistent conservation efforts across Africa, black rhino numbers have doubled from their historic low 20 years ago to around 5,500 today. However, the black rhino is still considered critically endangered, and a lot of work re

The largest canine Animal in South America

  Earth Unreal & Wikipediya , By – Vinuri Randula Silva, maned wolf  ( Chrysocyon brachyurus ) is a large  canine  of  South America . The maned wolf is found in Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, Paraguay and is almost extinct in Uruguay. Its markings resemble those of  foxes , but it is neither a fox nor a wolf. It is the only  species  in the  genus   Chrysocyon  (meaning "golden dog"). It is the largest canine in South America, weighing 20–30 kg (44–66 lb) and up to 90 cm (35 in) at the  withers . Its long, thin legs and dense reddish coat give it an unmistakable appearance. The maned wolf is a  crepuscular  and  omnivorous  animal adapted to the open environments of the South American  savanna , with an important role in the  seed dispersal  of fruits, especially the  wolf apple  ( Solanum lycocarpum ). The maned wolf is a solitary animal. It communicates primarily by  scent marking , but also gives a loud call known as "roar-barking". This  mammal  li

Beautiful and terrific bird Sunbittern

  From - Earth Unreal & Wikipedia, By -  Vinuri Randula Silva, This terrific bird is so different to any other it’s in a family of its own. It is a beautiful sight when hunting, stalking prey quietly along watercourses, but when threatened it looks stunning, because it spreads its broad wings wide, faces them forward and displays what look like two giant eyes. The sunbittern has a long and pointed bill that is black above, and a short  hallux  as in shorebirds and rails.   It occurs from Guatemala south through Central America to Brazil and may be seen at quite a lot of sites but the best places in the world to see Sunbittern include the Llanos in Western Venezuela, the Iquitos area in Northeastern Peru,   in the lower subtropical zone at altitudes of 800–1,830 m (2,620–6,000 ft). Manu National Park in Southern Peru and the Pantanal in Southern Brazil. The sunbittern consumes a wide range of animal prey. Insects form an important part of the diet, with cockroaches, dragonfly l

The gray peacock- pheasant - a large Asian member of the peacock family

From Wikipedia & Earth Unreal By –Vinuri Randula   Silva The  gray peacock-pheasant  ( Polyplectron bicalcaratum ), also known as  Burmese peacock-pheasant , is a large  Asian  member of the  order   Galliformes . It is a large  pheasant , up to 76 cm long and greyish brown with finely spotted green  eyespots , an elongated bushy crest, bare pink or yellow facial skin, white throat, and grey  iris ,  bill  and legs. . Both sexes are gray-brown with iridescent spotting on the wings, but the male has a longer tail and a bushy, forward-arching crest. Display involves opening up the tail and spreading the wings to flash their iridescent peacock-like spots. Song, a series of ascending hoarse croaks, can often be heard in the morning. The grey peacock-pheasant is distributed in lowland and hill forests of  Bangladesh ,  Northeast India  and  Southeast Asia , but excluding most of  Indochina  as well as the entire  Malayan Peninsula . The diet consists mainly of seeds, termites