From - Sky &Telescope By - Bob King Edited by - Amal Udawatta This montage of Hubble imagery shows the four bright planets — Jupiter, Saturn, Mars, and Venus — and the two fainter ones, Uranus and Neptune (lower left), that will line up across the winter sky this month and next. NASA / JPL-Caltech / JAXA Catch four planets — Venus, Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars — in the evening sky. With good binoculars, Uranus and Neptune also become visible. Plus, Comet ATLAS may survive its close approach to the Sun. I like easy. Mining the deep-sky or spending a half-hour teasing out Martian surface features have their rewards, but it's been a blast to scan the evening sky this month and enjoy the planets with just my eyes. Venus and Saturn are paired in the west and will be in conjunction this coming weekend. Turn around and face east, and Jupiter and Mars eagerly greet your gaze. Add in the glitter of the Winter Hexagon and its captive, Betelgeuse, and...